Hi, I’m Christina!
I’m married to a bearded fella, and I have a 5-year-old daughter and a 12-year-old stepson. If stranded on a desert island I would need a razor, ginger beer and tacos. Watching FRIENDS is therapy, I have way too many striped shirts and my signature hairstyle is a 4-day unwashed topknot, ‘cause motherhood.
I’m a 2 on the Enneagram and a Taurus...if you’re into that sorta thing. Subaru commercials make me cry, but I love me some murder mysteries. I’m a hobby junkie: everything from painting, roller derby, yoga, CrossFit, skydiving and recently kickboxing. My life has changed immensely in the past 6 years, and I’m always trying to balance all the hats I wear... the largest, strangest one being that of stepmother-hood.
As a licensed clinical social worker (LICSW) I merge my professional experience and personal experience as a stepmom. I created this platform because I am passionate about offering support so stepmoms can feel validated in their complex emotions. I want to help stepmoms feel empowered when they gain the clarity and direction they need to improve their relationships and overall happiness.
Check out my services and how we can work together HERE!